Here’s what to expect at your next check-up
Newborn Visit
It’s all about survival. We’ll ask about your delivery, how feeding is going, and reassure you that you’re not losing your mind. Your baby will be super pissed to be naked, but at least there are no shots!
Two week visit
Hopefully it’s getting a *little* easier. We’ll check on your baby’s growth and see how you’re settling in. We’ll remind you to get that second Newborn Screen done. Still no shots!
Two month visit
This is when it gets real! This is the first day you’ll have vaccines here, but we’ll walk you through it. We promise your baby will forgive you. We’ll check your kid’s weight and milestones—we might even get some smiles this time! You know, before the shots.
Vaccines today: DTaP/Polio/Hep B, Hib, Prevnar and oral rotavirus.
Four month visit
This one is usually our favorite! They’re starting to get personalities and we may get some giggles. We get to start talking about baby food!
Vaccines today: DTaP/Polio/Hep B, Hib, Prevnar and oral rotavirus.
Six month visit
Oh man, they’re getting fun. And busy. They may have a favorite baby food, and they may have some teeth. They shriek CONSTANTLY, but it’s usually happy. Everything goes in their mouth, so we’ll be talking about baby-proofing!
Vaccines today: DTaP/Polio/Hep B, Hib, Prevnar, Flu (recommended but not required), oral rotavirus
Nine month visit
Now you’re in trouble. We’ll check on their new skills (crawling? uh-oh), talk about foods and sleep. They’re often starting to get pretty nervous around us but we fooled them—no vaccines today!
Unless it’s flu shot season. Then the flu shot.
Twelve month visit
Good news, you now spend your life running after someone who seems intent on injuring themselves, only now they can walk. We’ll see if they’re saying any words, and talk about how to transition to feeding a toddler.
Vaccines today: MMR/Varicella, Hep A, Prevnar and Hib. Flu shot if it’s that time of year.
Fifteen month visit
Your child will probably start yelling the moment you walk in the door. It’s not you, it’s us. Don’t worry, we’re prepared, and we still like them even if they try to kick us in the face. They start saying things like “bye bye!” and hoping that it means we’ll leave. #development
Vaccines today: DTaP. Maybe flu shot again (seeing a theme?)
Eighteen month visit
Congrats, your child can sprint now! They have more words and they’re starting to use them to refuse food they used to shovel in their faces. We’ll talk about getting ready for their first dentist visit, and how not to laugh when they drop their first f-bomb (yay for mimicking!)
Vaccines today: Hep A. Maybe a flu shot.
Two year old visit
Toddlers, man. At this visit, your kid can yell at us in short sentences! We’ll talk about picky eaters (all of them) and potty training. Best news of all: next check up is in a year! And no shots!
….unless it’s flu shot season. We know, we know.
Three year old visit
Your kids might tolerate us again at this visit, briefly. We’ll get to talk about how age 3 is secretly harder than 2, and commiserate if your small person is still refusing to potty train.
Vaccines today: Anyone want a flu shot?
Four year old visit
This is when they start to have fun again, because every 4 yo ever is a performer. They’re starting to get a little more independent and hilarious, and they may have forgotten that they always seem to get shots here. Until shots. THE BETRAYAL.
Vaccines today: MMR/Varicella, DTaP/IPV
Elementary visits
We’re on the yearly schedule now, and we’re excited to hear how your kid’s doing at school and their other exploits. There are often no vaccines, but it’s still important for us to see your kids and check on their growth and development. Naturally, we love these visits. The kids usually do too, except for the part where we tell them they probably still need a booster seat.
Vaccines: maybe a flu shot.
Eleven year old visit
Congrats, you have a preteen. Yikes. We love these visits because we get to see all their sassy glory, hear about their lives and talk to them about puberty. They LOVE that. After a long break from shots, we have a few at this visit to take them into middle school.
Vaccines today: TDaP, Menactra and HPV
Adolescent visits
Hoooo boy it’s teen time. Which means they are back to not wanting to be here, but for different reasons. We’ll talk about safety, driving, social media, and why they should use deodorant (because for some reason they always need reminding about that). If your kid is a teen, we’ll have you step out so that they can have a confidential conversation with us at the end of their visit. We’re happy to talk to you about why that’s important.
Vaccines today: MCV booster and meningitis B if they’re 16 or older, and flu shot if it’s time!
Late teen visits
They’re getting too tall for our tables, and they don’t like being surrounded by babies for their healthcare. It’s time to work on transitioning into adult medicine—often post-high school plans will affect that (student health is a good place to start if they’re college-bound). We can recommend some local offices if they’re staying in town.
Vaccines: Meningitis B if you’re 16 or above, and a flu shot if it’s time!