Things Pediatricians like to talk about
Car seats!
Do you guys have any idea how hard it is to find a stock photo that shows a child properly restrained in a car seat? That’s because between bucket and toddler seats, rear- or forward-facing seats, it’s CONFUSING. But it’s so important to get it right, which is why we will always answer your questions about it. Please don’t get mad if Dr. Raman gives your harness a tug on the way out—she did it to her husband too. It’s her own compulsion and she’s dealing with it.
Water safety!
Drowning is a leading cause of death in children, so it’s no wonder we take this super seriously. Children should never be left unsupervised in any amount of water, and learning water safety early is critical—the AAP recommends swim lessons as early as 1, though many programs start water play with parents even sooner. Flotation devices can lower risk, but nothing can ever replace close supervision.
Healthy Diets!
This picture is probably unrealistic. That’s not a real child. But we know that healthy diet habits start from a very young age, even when they’re crazy picky. Keep healthy foods available at all times, always offer a veggie with meals if you can, and eat them with your kids! Pinterest can tell you all the fun faces you can make with your veggies, but that sounds EXHAUSTING. Just keep them around! If you have a garden, have them help, or take them shopping with you to choose a new veggie to try—they may be more willing to try it if they feel some ownership.
Dental Health!
It’s good to get your baby in the habit of brushing early, even if all they want to do is chew on the brush (there’s just something about that banana). Remember, Reno doesn’t have fluoride in our water, so even babies need fluoride supplementation! We recommend seeing the dentist at least every 6 months after age 2. We have lots of recommendations for great dentists in town—just ask!
What do we like about this picture? Is it the charming but unrealistic outfit choices or the fact that no one seems to be complaining? No! It’s that everyone is wearing a properly fitted bike helmet! If you’re not sure how they should fit, just ask. Teens: the front of your bike does not count! Parents: You need yours too— it’s all about modeling safety!
Screen time!
Look, we’re going to level with you: this is hard to avoid. And even harder to stick to the guidelines, which are 2 hours or less per day of screen time, and none under age 2. But we live in the real world, too, so it’s all about finding balance. Make sure your kids are getting lots of activity as well, and try to make their screen time educational and engaging where possible. For the big kids, make sure you have good parental controls and have a discussion with your teens about what is safe.
Healthychildren.org in General!
This website has everything. It’s the parent resource website run by the American Academy of Pediatrics, so it has a ton of trustworthy information, and more every day. It’s always a great place to start if you ever have questions. But we’re here too =)