No more exclusions—yet another reason to vaccinate!
Raise your hand if you’ve had to rearrange your schedule because your child got exposed to COVID at school and has to be excluded.
Raise your hand if you’ve had to rearrange your schedule because my kid got exposed to COVID at school and has to be excluded.
It’s probably a lot of people. I can’t even remember how many times it’s happened in our family. So here’s a thing you can do about it: vaccinate your kids school-aged kids against COVID.
The WCSD sent out an update last week confirming that fully vaccinated kids (kids who are two weeks out from their second vaccine) will no longer have to isolate at home for school exposures, provided that they’re asymptomatic. This means no more rushing to pick up your kids, no more scrambling to work from home while you also help them navigate their schoolwork at home, no more rearranging your life because someone else got unlucky. This can save you 7-10 days of disruption and a test for your kids. (Truthfully, I hope this will also encourage parents to report their kids’ illnesses knowing that it won’t ruin the week of every other family either—that guilt is REAL.) Everyone wins.
You know who else wins? Your kids’ teachers, who have been exposed to COVID just as many times as your kids have, and who may have kids and family members of their own to protect. Your teachers have been on the front lines of this since the start, and they who want your kids to be in school as much as you do! There’s no way I can replace that experience at home (my kids will confirm this).
This vaccine is safe and effective. Kids are jumping at the chance to protect their communities and themselves. Pediatricians are jumping at the chance to vaccinate their own kids—the vast majority have done so. We trust it for our kids, we trust it for your kids, and we will happily answer any questions you have about it. Just ask!